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Lessons of Pity - By White Gull

In Emyn Muil's wretched wastes
Not only footpaths fled,
Into my soul cold darkness stole
And blurred all hopes with dread.
But faced with mirrored, mired end,
When in hopeless eyes I gazed,
Pity's peace gave fear release
And hope to new height raised.

In Frodo's heart a choice was made -- and pity's seeds were sown.
He little knew the fruit that grew would his own fate soon own.

Through trackless, barren, cruel roads
I've followed, helped, endured,
But the hardest test was sword hand's rest
When by rights his end I'd earned.
There on Mt. Doom's fearful crest
I felt heart's embers fanned,
And soon give place to pity's grace
With hateful vengeance banned.

Sam's choice followed Frodo's own -- late, perhaps, but true,
And put to test, gave master rest, from a task he could not do.

Long years I walked through forest paths
Observing realms of old,
Elves and men, at peace and then,
Distrustful, sundered, cold.
Men's gift from Eru seemed to me
Just penalty indeed,
But as heart's love dies I realize
That pity from me bleeds.

Arwen's wisdom, grown though time, found pity mid her tears,
May pity's touch mean just as much to hearts down through the years.

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