Quest for Luthien - by Aredhel
The leaves are gone, the grass is brown,
The hemlock trees are withered and dead,
No longer here is seen her gown
Of summer-sky blue shimmering
Tinúviel dances not here,
No music of a pipe is heard,
And so I shed a bitter tear,
Which glows in starlight glimmering.
Long ago, here Beren came,
Upon first ent'ring Doriath,
Esgalduin the river's name
By which he walked while sorrowing,
And when I shut my eyes I see,
Like him, in wonder, her flow'rs of gold,
But when the vision fades from me,
My heartfelt tears come following.
My weary feet cannot be healed,
As were his long ages past,
His fate already then was sealed,
By stars far away glistening,
He sought to catch this maiden fair,
But as from me, from him she fled,
And left us in the meadows bare,
All alone and listening.
Long is the tale that tells the fate,
Of these lovers and their foes,
Ah, but I stand here and wait
And bend my thoughts on listening,
To Doriath I have returned,
I see the work here wrought by time,
But wait! My journey's been adjourned,
I see her here now, glistening.