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One love, one lifetime - by Silmarwen Celebrindal

Can I let her stay with me,
As my heart desires?
Or should I let her sail,
Sail far away from me?

Her father loves her also,
And to her heart has claim.
Should I simply let her choose,
To go then, or to stay?

Alas that ever I saw him!
Ever torn now I shall be.
Father! Love! To which will I be loyal?
Should I sail with my blood kin?

But nay, for I saw him! In Lorien I saw him
And my heart he kept with him.
I renounced both the shadow and the twilight.
Alas for Valimar! Alas for my father, for I cannot go to him.

I will tell her to go and the line of Elendil
Shall be forever broken.
My heart shall go to Valimar
And there be with her kin in bliss.

I will tell my kin farewell.
Namarie! Namarie!
For should I go, I’d leave my heart behind me.
I will take the fate of Luthien; a mortal I shall be.

My love, I tell you, go!
My love, I tell you, I'll stay!
My love, I cannot let you stay with me.
My love, you cannot stop me!

My love, I would not have you fade!
My love, if I leave you I shall fade.

My love, I would rather spend one lifetime with you,
Then face all the ages of this world alone…

My love, are you sure you would give me this gift?
My love, would you accept it?

I would give it! I would accept it!
We shall live a short time in true bliss.

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