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I Walked Alone Through Rivendell (To Aragorn) - by Pamela

I walked alone through Rivendell
For a thousand years or more
But that fair day you came to me
Upon this elven shore.
Your eyes were dreams of far off lands,
Your voice was like a song,
My love for you had an eternal youth,
A love that was not wrong.
Many times we wandered through,
The valleys of green and gold,
We looked upon the crystal lakes
That shined from days of old.
You took my hand and all was clear,
I was safe when in your arms,
I fell for your enchanting spell,
Your rugged ranger charms.
But then one day Lord Elrond spoke,
Of quests to the unknown,
And from that moment you were gone,
Like the North Wind you had flown.
And still I wait under elven skies,
For you to return to me,
If you perish on your road,
My soul to you will fly.
Oh Aragorn, to my heart,
You alone posses the key.
I will love and cherish you this day,
And for all Eternity.

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