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By Rochelena


You are countless miles away

In a heartless wilderness of foes.

You journey away from me,

As should I from you.

But I remain here,

In this disquieting tranquility,

Waiting in tears and in hope.


I am joyless but not hopeless,

For I know that while we both live,

Something in this land has the chance

To be eternal,

Because I will wait,

And you will return to me.


Were I to abandon your life

To save my own,

I would forever be in Peace personified.

But peacefully I could not live,

For immortality pales against



Hope dictates

That we will love in life once more,

That our love will be everlasting.

But whilst you roam,

I will wait,

Praying and dying,

And until you return,

I shall feel only

Love and erui.

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