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         Reflections From A Far Green Country


                                       Loss and loss and loss again.

All the days and ways of life march away,

         a parade of memories passing in review,

           fading into a grey rain-curtain of twilight.


It is a sadness.

         Deep. Still. Endless.

        Or so it seems when

                              dark night blankets the soul.


      But then, a swift sunrise comes with a promise,

                                            that in loss, there is gain.


                                     All that has gone before is woven into the

                                           fabric of a new day,

                                     waiting to be cut and shaped and

                                           worn in a new way.


                                      I remember ...

                                                    and in remembering,

                                                            honor what's past ...

And create the future.


                                     There is no loss - only remembering

                                                            and starting anew.


                                     Thus are we the sum of all our days and ways.


                                              And that is ever a gift ... and a glory.



                                                                                   by Constance G.J. Wagner

                                                                                    October / November 2004


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