Top Ten ways to know that you are an expert at the Led Zeppelin references to LOTR - EW
10. You know every Zeppelin reference to the books, and quote them often.
9. You correct people impatient ally and say, "No, 'Stairway to Heaven' is not about The Lord of The Rings!"
8. You dress up as a combination of Robert Plant and Frodo.
7. While still in costume (see #8), you frolic through fields, and if people ask you what you are doing, you reply, "Tom Bombadil to me to 'Ramble on'!"
6. (For guys) If you find you girlfriend cheating, you sing, "But Gollum, and the Evil One crept up and slipped away with her, her, her yeah!"
5. You tell everyone you know that Robert Plant's dog was named Strider.
4. You also tell those people that the song, "Bron-Y-Aur Stomp" is about Robert Plant's dog, Strider.
3. You name your dog Strider and sing him "Over The Hills and Far Away."
2. You are utterly, utterly convinced that the "dogs of doom" mentioned in the song "No Quarter" are the wolves in The Fellowship of The Ring when the fellowship is traipsing through the woods somewhere, even though the rest of the song has no specific references... except for maybe "wearing steel that's bright and true"... which would be Frodo's mithril... hey wait!!!!
1. You make a Top Ten list about your useless knowledge about the Zeppelin references to LOTR!!!