New Top Ten Scenes in the LOTR Stolen From Other Films - JAL
10: Frodo must race Gollum in a podracer in order to tame him. (Star Wars: Episode 1)
9: When the ship sets out from the Grey Havens, Frodo stands on the bow, arms spread out, saying "I'm flying, Galadriel!" (Titanic)
8: That boat then gets hit with an iceberg. (Also Titanic)
7: As Aragorn and Lurtz battle, Anduril glows blue and Lurtz's glows red. (Star Wars: Episode 4)
6: The Hobbits have formed a lollipop guild. (The Wizard of Oz)
5: Frodo puts on the Ring and stares into the eye. A few seconds later, a Star Gate forms and he is sucked in. After ten minutes of freaky expressions and a cosmic light show, he ends up in a strange hotel room... (2001: A Space Odyssey)
4: Sauron breaths like Darth Vader (Star Wars movies)
3: Sauron has a meeting room in Barad-Dûr where he has his Evil Empire meetings (Austin Powers)
2: Boromir's ghost reappears before Frodo saying that if he destroys the Ring, "Something wonderful" will happen. After the Ring burns up, Mordor explodes and turns into a sun
(2010: Odyssey Two)
And the Number 1 Scene is. . .
1: During the beginning prologue, Sauron takes off his mask and roars as we see his face to be the Predator's. (Predator)