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"The Ranger" -- sung by Aragorn Telcontar - Celandine Brandybuck

To the tune of "The Stranger" by Billy Joel

Well the North is my place
And I've wandered there forever
So it seems to those who know of me
And mostly wish me gone
But I dress myself in steel
And I wrap myself in leather
They're the garments of a Ranger
So I have to put them on

Well I ride to protect
And I disregard the danger
And I risk myself in duty
For I reason I now tell
And you may be surprised
When you ask about that Ranger
Did you ever think that you would learn
The Ranger is myself?

You are afraid of those black men
They pursued you here
Terrified your friends
You bear It, there is no one else
Who can hide this thing
Better than yourself

Once I rode to the South
With the Rohirrim was mounted
And I also served in Gondor --
Minas Tirith is my prize
I have fought against the Dark Lord
For more years than might be counted
It's my mission as a Ranger
And now you I will advise

Well I ride to protect
And I disregard the danger
And I risk myself in duty
For I reason I now tell
And you may be surprised
When you ask about that Ranger
Did you ever think that you would learn
The Ranger is myself?

You are afraid of those black men
They pursued you here
Terrified your friends
You bear It, there is no one else
Who can hide this thing
Better than yourself

Now you soon will understand
How the Ranger is inspired
For although you doubt his visage
Looks do not mean everything
I will guard you from the Nazgûl
And I'll guide you to the Fires
You will find I'm worth my hire
When the Ranger becomes King

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